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New boxes for the ETS training materials

From now, orders of ETS materials from the ETS Competence center will be delivered in boxes specially designed for ETS. The boxes are flexible and the material becomes more orderly. The large box contains of small boxes in two sizes that can be lifted out. A small box contains 50 patients or management cards.

The pictures show an English ETS Basic set with the full trauma victim bank; 369 patients, management cards, vehicles, staff symbols, signs etc.  Sheets of markings, laminated photos etc. is not in the photo and will be delivered in a black folder as before.

box1w   box3w

box2w   box4w

About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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