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Under development - psychosocial assessment of relatives

An ETS material for training the organization and psychosocial assessment of relatives to injured patients is under development.

The material can for example be used:

- to train psychosocial support persons in psychological first aid for relatives
- to train in assessing what follow-up a relative requires 
- to train in organising psychological first aid for a large number of relatives
- to practise and evaluate the abilities of psychosocial support organisations within the health care services.

It will include over 50 relatives (adults and children) who can be relative to the ETS patients. Each relative also have a conversation card.

The material have been tested three times with good results and is now in the final development phase. More information will come!

relIMG 6441w

relIMG 6447w

About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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