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Heléne Nilsson ends as Director of ETS Competence center

Heléne Nilsson ends as Director of ETS Competence center. We thank Heléne for all work she have made with ETS for many years, being part of the development of ETS to become a simulation tool and educational concept used in over 30 countries. We wish her all the best with the new assignment! See below a personal message from Heléne.

Dear all!

After more than 15 years of working at KMC I have decided to walk forward into new challenges. From 18th September I have started as Senior Expert and advisor of management, cooperation and coordination at the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency (MSB) at the national level. I will present a health care perspective and I will of course continue to be a promoter of education and training, disaster medicine and sciences.

As the Director of ETS Competence center I will leave the staffett over to Dr. Peter Berggren here at KMC. Johan Hornwall will continue as Operational Manager of ETS. More information about the new organisation will follow later in September.

It is with joy looking over what we have accomplished these years, together with ETS users all over the world. But also with sadness about saying goodbye to my co-workers here at KMC in Linköping. My journey have been fantastic and You and ETS will be in my heart forever.

Finally! Good luck and continue your hard work. Educate the ones that will stand in the heat, making tuff decisions in emergencies and disasters. This will for sure save lives with no preventable deaths!

Best regards

Heléne Nilsson, med dr Disaster Medicine

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Senior instructor courses in Australia!

During June and July, the ETS faculty of New South Wales Australia, held two Senior instructor courses in Darwin Northern Territory and Sydney NSW. Total number of trained ETS Senior instructors in Australia are now over 500, more than any other country!

The group photo is from the course in Sydney.

Group Photo Sydney Australia 2017 w

Pilot test with education for assistent nurses

This spring a pilottest was made to see if Emergo Train System with it's strenght, could help assistent nurses. The students came from different countries and needed a formal education before they could apply for jobs. Some of them also studied Swedish and therefor had some problems to understand some of the lectures, reach learning goals and pass all the exams. If it will have a positive impact on the final exams are still to be proven. But all students was fully involved and sad that ETS pedagogic might be useful in other modules, were ETS could represent different cases of hospital patients with other types of problems related to careing.

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Senior instructor course in Japan

A Senior instructor course was held in Japan in March in the city of Toyama. There a today close to 250 certified ETS Senior instructors in Japan and the ETS faculty is located in Toyama.


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ETS meeting in Canada

On April 27 an ETS meeting was held at the WADEM conference in Toronto, Canada. ETS Senior instructors from Sweden, Australia, Ecuador, Japan, Austria, United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong was present and discussed ETS related issues. An interesting network meeting that we hope to arrange on several occasions!

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ETS meeting Toronto 2017w

Senior instructor course and Educator course in Western Australia

In April 2017, 12 participants attended the ETS Senior instructor course and 5 participants attended the ETS Educator course in Perth, Western Australia. Course participants included a range of pre-hospital and hospital staff including paramedics, nurses, doctors and disaster management staff.

About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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