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Senior Instructor courses in Finland 2019

The ETS faculty in Finland started in October 2018. During 2019, the faculty will conduct two ETS Senior instructor courses. The courses is held in Finnish.

International ETS Senior instructor course

An international ETS Senior instructor course was held october 9-11 at the ETS Competence center. 16 students from Denmark, Saudiarabia, Germany, Latvia and Singapore participated in the course and ETS Senior instructor number 2 000 received her certificate on the course!

ETS Educator faculty in Finland!

In October 3-5 the first ETS Senior instructor course was held in Finland by the new Finnish ETS faculty! The Senior instructor course was held in Jorvi Hospital, Espoo with 16 participants.

Senior instructor course in Western Australia

In September 2018, 24 participants attended the ETS Senior Instructors Course in Perth, Western Australia. Course participants included a pre-hospital and hospital staff including nurses, doctors, training and disaster management staff from both metropolitan and regional areas.

New updated Emergo Train System training material – version 4!

There is now a new version of ETS available!
In version 4, all victim/patient banks have undergone a complete medical review and update. More parameters have been added to the victim banks which means that patients can be designed to fit different triage systems. A revision has also been made in the patient outcome which starts at 30 min after injury instead of 1 hour.

ETS version 4

A new version of ETS will be released after the summer. With the new version you can get different sizes of predesigned Pre-hospital and/or Hospital sets. To the sets you can connect different victim banks and in-hospital patient banks.

About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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