In 2013 the ETS psychosocial support training material was developed in order to practice coordination and psychological first aid for situations in everyday life as well as major incidents.

The Psychosocial support instructor course is specifically aimed at learning the Psychosocial support training material. After the course the student should be able to plan, perform, evaluate and train participants in psychosocial support simulation exercises using the Emergo Train System® Psychosocial support module.

The course is currently only held by the ETS Competence center and in Swedish. There are over 170 certified ETS Psychosocial support instructors in Sweden (July 2024).

October 23-24 2024

Date: October 23-24 2024
Faculty: ETS Competence center
Location: Linköping, Sweden

Further information

Course held in Swedish.
Further information and application >>>