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ETS Senior Instructor course

Please scroll down on this page to view international and national course dates for the ETS Senior instructor courses!

front june2013The ability to make accurate decisions is an important part of disaster and emergency medicine. Training for this requires educated instructors who can practice and evaluate the performance of different categories of staff involved in the medical management of disasters and major incidents.

These instructors should also be familiar with simulation exercises based on real scenarios, with realistic resources, real capacity of different medical facilities and training sessions performed in real time. One way to achieve this is to use the Emergo Train system® (ETS), a simulation system that can be designed to fit any scenario in any setting; ETS has been used for training and simulation in disaster medicine in several countries during the last decades.

A Senior Emergo Train Instructor is the head instructor in an Emergo Train Simulation exercise. He/she is responsible for setting up the course objectives and ensuring they are adequately achieved. Approval of the course results in certification as an ETS Senior instructor.

There are now (May 2024) over 2 900 certified ETS Senior instructors. The international Senior instructor courses are held by the ETS Competence Centre at KMC - Centre for Teaching & Research in Disaster Medicine and Traumatology in Sweden. National courses are held by ETS Educator faculties in Sweden, United Kingdom, Finland, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea and United Arab Emirates.

The Senior instructor course can also be conducted on request in other countries. For further information, please contact the ETS Competence centre.

International ETS Senior instructor courses (course language English)

Dates Faculty Location Information
August 27-29 2024 (Fully booked) ETS Competence Center Linköping, Sweden

Application deadline: June 11 2024

For more information and registration >>>

You can also view the same information and register on KMC website >>>

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February 11-13 2025 ETS Competence Center Linköping, Sweden

Application deadline: December 6 2024

For more information and registration >>>

You can also view  the same information and register on KMC website >>>

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August 26-28 2025 ETS Competence Center Linköping, Sweden

Application deadline: June 13 2025

For more information and registration >>>

You can also view  the same information and register on KMC website >>>

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 The international course is held at KMC - Centre for Teaching & Research in Disaster Medicine and Traumatology in Linköping, Sweden.

National ETS Senior Instructor Courses    

Dates Faculty Location Further information
January 29-31 2024 ETS Canada Montréal, Canada Course held in French. Only a few places left. 
Further information and application >>>
April 23-25 2024 ETS Competence center Linköping, Sweden Course held in Swedish.
More information on KMC website >>>
September 30-October 2 2024 ETS Canada Montréal, Canada Course held in French.
Further information and application >>>
December 17-19 2024 ETS Competence center Linköping, Sweden Course held in Swedish.
More information on KMC website >>>
February 3-5 2025 ETS Canada Montréal, Canada Course held in English.
More information and application >>>
April 28-30 2025 ETS Canada Montréal, Canada Course held in French.
Further information and application >>>
September 29-October 1 2025 ETS Canada Montréal, Canada Course held in French.
Further information and application >>>
December 8-10 2025 ETS Canada Montréal, Canada Course held in French.
Further information and application >>>



About ETS

Emergo Train System (ETS) is an academic / educational simulation system used in several countries around the world for training and testing the preparedness and management of emergencies, major incidents and disasters.

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