Tag: #ETS

  • International ETS Senior instructor course

    International ETS Senior instructor course

    20 new ETS Senior instructors certified at the ETS Competence center in August 2024! Participants were from Saudi Arabia, USA, Lebanon, Germany, Denmark, Malaysia and Sweden. We wish all good luck with future exercises back home! There are now close to 3 000 certified ETS Senior instructors in 47 countries. Next international ETS Senior instructor courses…

  • Decontamination at hospital set in French

    The ETS Decontamination set version 4 (Décontamination en milieu Hospitalier) is now translated to French! Also the uninjured victim bank (Banque de victimes indemnes) is now available in French. The sets have been translated in collaboration with the ETS faculty in Canada at CHUM – Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal. The in-hospital patient bank…

  • ETS in-hospital patient banks now available in French!

    The ETS In-hospital patient banks for ED, Surgery and ICU in version 4 are now available also in French! The sets have been translated to French in collaboration with the ETS faculty in Canada at CHUM – Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal. The Decontamination at Hospital set is now also available in French! For…

  • Senior instructor course in Sydney

    Senior instructor course in Sydney

    In May the ETS faculty in New South Wales (NSW) held an ETS Senior instructor course in Sydney Australia. The faculty in NSW started in 2008 and have since then trained more than 600 instructors! During the course in May, five new ETS Educators was trained to be part of the faculty and help train…

  • Testing ETS in-hospital ward patients

    Testing ETS in-hospital ward patients

    The ETS Competence centre are developing a new ETS material with in-hospital patients for ward departments. ETS in-hospital patients have for a long time been available for emergency department, surgery department and ICU. With this material, you can also include ward departments in an exercise. It can also be used for exercises specifically for an…